ComponentsFunctions for creating components, which are added with ‘i2dash::add_component()’ function: |
Renders a component containing a horizontal barplot. |
Renders a component containing a boxplot |
Renders a component containing a Heatmap. |
Renders a component containing a scatterplot with optional selection options |
Renders a component containing a vertical violin plot |
Renders a component containing a bubbleplot with optional selection options |
Renders a component containing output from verbatimTextOutput. |
Renders a component containing an HTML table of summarized sample or feature metadata of single-cell experiment objects or data.frames. |
Pre-defined PagesFunctions for adding pre-defined pages to the dashboard. |
Add a dimension reduction page with feature metadata |
Characterize and visualize dimension reductions and sample groupings / metadata. |
Add a feature expression page. |
Quantify per-gene variation and explore the threshold on the metric of variation to get the desired set of highly variable features. |
Create expression visualization for multiple selected features on a regular grid. |
Explore the effects of the parameters "theta" and "perplexity" of a t-stochastic neighbour embedding or "n_neighors" of a UMAP embedding. |