[ ]:
import warnings

import sctoolbox
from sctoolbox import settings
from sctoolbox.utilities import bgcolor

Trajectory and Pseudotime Analysis

1 - Description

1.1 - Pseudotime Analysis

For pseudotime ordering (or trajectory interference) cells are ordered along a continuous path based on their difference in gene expression. This differs from the velocity analysis which uses the rate of unspliced and spliced mRNAs.
This notebook can be used for trajectory analysis of scRNA data using the scFates package.
Most analysis steps are directly taken from the scFates documentation

1.2 - Parameters





Type of the principal graph, a “curve” for a basic linear curve or “tree” for a more complex trajectory

“curve”, “tree”


Number of nodes composing the principial tree, use a range of 10 to 100 for ElPiGraph approach and 100 to 2000 for PPT approach.



Number of dimensions to use for the inference



principal graph algorithm for tree inference

“ppt”, “epg”


Regularization parameter for simpleppt (method=’ppt’) algorithm

float, int


penalty for the tree length

float, int


Parameter for ElPiGraph, coefficient of ‘stretching’ elasticity.

float, int


Parameter for ElPiGraph, coefficient of ‘bending’ elasticity.

float, int


number of probabilistic mapping of cells onto the tree to use. If n_map=1 then likelihood cell mapping is used.



Number of cpu processes to use in case of performing multiple mapping.


2 - Input/output settings

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%bgcolor PowderBlue

# In/output paths
settings.adata_input_dir = "../adatas/"
settings.adata_output_dir = "../adatas/pseudotime/"
settings.figure_dir = '../figures/pseudotime/'
settings.log_file: "../logs/pseudotime_analysis_log.txt"

# Input/Output
last_notebook_adata = "anndata_4.h5ad"
output = "anndata_pseudotime.h5ad"

3 - Loading packages

[ ]:
import scanpy as sc
import pandas as pd
import sctoolbox.utilities as utils
import sctoolbox.plotting as pl

## scFates
import scFates as scf

sc.set_figure_params(vector_friendly=True, dpi_save=300, scanpy=False)

4 - Load anndata

[ ]:
adata = utils.load_h5ad(last_notebook_adata)

with pd.option_context("display.max.rows", 5, "display.max.columns", None):

5 - scFates

⬐ Fill in input data here ⬎

[ ]:
%bgcolor PowderBlue

### scFates parameters ###
seed = 1

# Column containing final clustering
clustering = "clustering"
# Embedding pca/umap/tsne...
embedding = "umap"
graph = "tree"  # can be "curve" for a basic linear curve or "tree" for a more complex trajectory
nodes = 100  # number of nodes for the principal graph, if None, number of nodes will be automatically infered based on the number of cells
             # use a range of 10 to 100 for ElPiGraph (epg) approach and 100 to 2000 for PPT approach
ndims_rep = 2  # Number of dimensions to use for the inference
method = "ppt"  # principal graph algorithm for tree inference, "ppt" or "epg"
## PPT ##
ppt_sigma = None  # Regularization parameter for simpleppt (method='ppt') algorithm, if None, it will be infered automatically
ppt_lambda = 100  # Parameter for simpleppt (method='ppt'), penalty for the tree length
## EPG ##

n_map = 10  # number of probabilistic mapping of cells onto the tree to use. If n_map=1 then likelihood cell mapping is used
n_threads = 4

5.1 - Calculate Graph

[ ]:
if nodes is None:
    if adata.shape[0] * 2 > 100:
        nodes = 100
        nodes = int(adata.shape[0] / 2)

if graph == 'curve':
    scf.tl.curve(adata, Nodes=nodes, use_rep=f"X_{embedding}", ndims_rep=ndims_rep, seed=seed)

elif graph == 'tree':
    if method == 'ppt':
        if ppt_sigma is None:
            ppt_sigma = scf.tl.explore_sigma(adata,
                                             sigmas=[1000, 100, 10, 1, 0.1, 0.025, 0.01],
                                             plot=False, second_round=True)

            print(f"Sigma value for 'ppt' is None! Automatic value is calculated: simga = {ppt_sigma}")

    print(f"Algorithm used: {method}\n")
    scf.tl.tree(adata, method=method, Nodes=nodes, use_rep=embedding,
                ppt_lambda=ppt_lambda, ppt_sigma=ppt_sigma, ppt_nsteps=50, seed=seed)

5.2 - Plot graph

  • A principal graph infered from the embedding. Cells are assigned to a node by a value between 0 and 1, which allow us to use probabilistic mappings to account for variability.

[ ]:
scf.pl.graph(adata, basis=embedding, color_cells=clustering, alpha=0.2, show=False)

5.3 - Pseudotime


The pseudotime analysis requires a starting point (root), considered as the earliest time point. Thus, you need to specify a root node to proceed. Using this node, the pseudotime will be calculated as the distance of each node to the root node.

Choose a root node in the marked cell below. There are three options on what the root node could be:

  1. Select a node by ID. By observing the graph above a suitable node can be picked by choosing one of the displayed node IDs.

  2. Select a gene as root. Provide a gene of interest, where the highest expression will be considered root.

  3. Automatic node detection based on a cell (.obs) measurement. Select a .obs column by name that contains numeric values e.g. the expression of a specific gene or a set of genes.

⬐ Fill in input data here ⬎

[ ]:
%bgcolor PowderBlue

# choose a root for the pseudotime analysis; The root can either be:
# -> Node ID from the graph above (int)
# -> Gene name to derive pseudotime based on it's expression (str)
# You can also use a column in .obs with continuous values to calculate pseudotime based on these values (str)
# Example: root = 1, root = 'gene name', root = 'obs_column'
root = 0

[ ]:
if type(root) not in [str, int]:
    raise TypeError("Invalid root! please provide either a node ID (int), gene name (str) or .obs columns (str)")
if type(root) == str:
    if root not in adata.obs.columns and root not in adata.var_names:
        raise ValueError("String was not found in adata.obs or adata.var! Please provide a valid obs column or gene name")
    if root in adata.obs.columns:
        if adata.obs[root].dtypes not in ["float32", "float64", "int32", "int64"]:
            raise TypeError("Given .obs column should contain continuous values! Please provide a valid column")
[ ]:
scf.tl.root(adata, root=root)

    scf.tl.pseudotime(adata, n_jobs=n_threads, n_map=n_map, seed=seed)
except ValueError:
    # sometimes multiple mapping result in some unmapped cells, this could be caused by poor quality
    # of the calculated graph due to poor parameter choice!
    print("Number of cell mapping will be reduced to 1! Consider modifiying and re-running the graph calculation to get more robust results\n")
    scf.tl.pseudotime(adata, n_jobs=1, n_map=1, seed=seed)

5.4 - Plot Trajectory graph

[ ]:
scf.pl.trajectory(adata, basis=embedding, scale_path=0.25, color_cells=clustering,
                  alpha=0.2, arrows=True, show=False)
pl._save_figure(f"pseudotime_trajectory_{embedding}.pdf", dpi=300)

5.5 - Plot pseudotime

  • seg: Each cell is assigned to a segment (seg) based on distance to root.

  • milestones: highlight the forks and tips

  • t: pseudotime values

[ ]:
pl.plot_embedding(adata, method=embedding, color=["seg", "milestones", "t", clustering], ncols=2, show=False)

5.6 - Plot dendogram

plotting a dendogram showing branching of segments along the pseudotime

[ ]:
# calculate dendogram
if graph == 'tree':
    scf.tl.dendrogram(adata, n_jobs=n_threads)
    scf.pl.dendrogram(adata, color=["seg"], show=False)

6 - Saving adata

[ ]:
utils.save_h5ad(adata, output)
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