"""Bio related utility functions."""
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import re
import requests
import apybiomart
from scipy.sparse import issparse
import gzip
import argparse
import os
import pybedtools
import scanpy as sc
from beartype.typing import Optional, Literal, Tuple, Any
from beartype import beartype
import sctoolbox.utils as utils
import sctoolbox.utils.decorator as deco
def pseudobulk_table(adata: sc.AnnData,
groupby: str,
how: Literal['mean', 'sum'] = "mean",
layer: Optional[str] = None,
percentile_range: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 100),
chunk_size: int = 1000) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get a pseudobulk table of values per cluster.
adata : sc.AnnData
Anndata object with counts in .X.
groupby : str
Column name in adata.obs from which the pseudobulks are created.
how : Literal['mean', 'sum'], default 'mean'
How to calculate the value per group (psuedobulk).
layer : Optional[str], default None
Name of an anndata layer to use instead of `adata.X`.
percentile_range : Tuple[int, int], default (0, 100)
The percentile of cells used to calculate the mean/sum for each feature.
Is used to limit the effect of individual cell outliers, e.g. by setting (0, 95) to exclude high values in the calculation.
chunk_size : int, default 1000
If percentile_range is not default, chunk_size controls the number of features to process at once. This is used to avoid memory issues.
DataFrame with aggregated counts (adata.X). With groups as columns and genes as rows.
groupby_categories = adata.obs[groupby].astype('category').cat.categories
if layer is not None:
mat = adata.layers[layer]
mat = adata.X
# Fetch the mean/ sum counts across each category in cluster_by
res = pd.DataFrame(index=adata.var_names, columns=groupby_categories)
for column_i, clust in enumerate(groupby_categories):
cluster_values = mat[adata.obs[groupby].isin([clust]), :]
if percentile_range == (0, 100): # uses all cells
if how == "mean":
vals = cluster_values.mean(0)
res[clust] = vals.A1 if issparse(cluster_values) else vals
elif how == "sum":
vals = cluster_values.sum(0)
res[clust] = vals.A1 if issparse(cluster_values) else vals
n_features = cluster_values.shape[1]
# Calculate mean individually per gene/feature
for i in range(0, n_features, chunk_size):
chunk_values = cluster_values[:, i:i + chunk_size]
chunk_values = chunk_values.A if issparse(chunk_values) else chunk_values
chunk_values = chunk_values.astype(float)
# Calculate the lower and upper limits for each feature
limits = np.percentile(chunk_values, percentile_range, axis=0, method="lower")
lower_limits = limits[0]
upper_limits = limits[1]
# Set values outside the limits to nan and calculate mean/sum
bool_filter = (chunk_values < lower_limits) | (chunk_values > upper_limits)
chunk_values[bool_filter] = np.nan
if how == "mean":
vals = np.nanmean(chunk_values, axis=0)
elif how == "sum":
vals = np.nansum(chunk_values, axis=0)
res.iloc[i:i + chunk_size, column_i] = vals
return res
# Format adata indexes #
def barcode_index(adata: sc.AnnData) -> None:
Check if the barcode is the index.
Will replace the index with `adata.obs["barcode"]` if index does not contain barcodes.
TODO refactor
- name could be more descriptive
- return adata
- inplace parameter
- use logger
adata : sc.AnnData
Anndata to perform check on.
# regex for any barcode
regex = re.compile(r'([ATCG]{8,16})')
# get first index element
first_index = adata.obs.index[0]
# check if the first index element is a barcode
if regex.match(first_index):
index_is_barcode = True
index_is_barcode = False
if not adata.obs.index.name == "barcode" and not index_is_barcode:
# check if the barcode column is in the obs
if 'barcode' in adata.obs.columns:
print('setting adata.obs.index = adata.obs[barcode]')
adata.obs = adata.obs.set_index("barcode")
elif not adata.obs.index.name == "barcode" and index_is_barcode:
print('setting adata.obs.index.name = barcode')
adata.obs.index.name = 'barcode'
print('barcodes are already the index')
# Converting between gene id and name #
def get_organism(ensembl_id: str,
host: str = "http://www.ensembl.org/id/") -> str:
Get the organism name to the given Ensembl ID.
ensembl_id : str
Any Ensembl ID. E.g. ENSG00000164690
host : str
Ensembl server address.
Organism assigned to the Ensembl ID
If there is an unexpected (or no) response from the server.
If the returned organism is ambiguous.
# this will redirect
url = f"{host}{ensembl_id}"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise ConnectionError(f"Server response: {response.status_code}.\n With link {url}. Is the host/ path correct?")
# get redirect url
# e.g. http://www.ensembl.org/Homo_sapiens/Gene/...
# get species name from url
species = response.url.split("/")[3]
# invalid id
if species == "Multi":
raise ValueError(f"Organism returned as '{species}' ({response.url}).\n Usually due to invalid Ensembl ID. Make sure to use an Ensembl ID as described in http://www.ensembl.org/info/genome/stable_ids/index.html")
return species
def gene_id_to_name(ids: list[str], species: str) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get Ensembl gene names to Ensembl gene id.
ids : list[str]
List of gene ids. Set to `None` to return all ids.
species : str
Species matching the gene ids. Set to `None` for list of available species.
DataFrame with gene ids and matching gene names.
If provided Ensembl IDs or organism is invalid.
if not all(id.startswith("ENS") for id in ids):
raise ValueError("Invalid Ensembl IDs detected. A valid ID starts with 'ENS'.")
avail_species = sorted([s.split("_gene_ensembl")[0] for s in apybiomart.find_datasets()["Dataset_ID"]])
if species is None or species not in avail_species:
raise ValueError("Invalid species. Available species are: ", avail_species)
id_name_mapping = apybiomart.query(
attributes=["ensembl_gene_id", "external_gene_name"],
if ids:
# subset to given ids
return id_name_mapping[id_name_mapping["Gene stable ID"].isin(ids)]
return id_name_mapping
def convert_id(adata: sc.AnnData,
id_col_name: Optional[str] = None,
index: bool = False,
name_col: str = "Gene name",
species: str = "auto",
inplace: bool = True) -> Optional[sc.AnnData]:
Add gene names to adata.var.
adata : sc.AnnData
AnnData with gene ids.
id_col_name : Optional[str], default None
Name of the column in `adata.var` that stores the gene ids.
index : boolean, default False
Use index of `adata.var` instead of column name speciefied in `id_col_name`.
name_col : str, default "Gene name"
Name of the column added to `adata.var`.
species : str, default "auto"
Species of the dataset. On default, species is inferred based on gene ids.
inplace : bool, default True
Whether to modify adata inplace.
AnnData object with gene names.
If invalid parameter choice or column name not found in adata.var.
if not id_col_name and not index:
raise ValueError("Either set parameter id_col_name or index.")
elif not index and id_col_name not in adata.var.columns:
raise ValueError("Invalid id column name. Name has to be a column found in adata.var.")
if not inplace:
adata = adata.copy()
# get gene ids
if index:
gene_ids = list(adata.var.index)
gene_ids = list(adata.var[id_col_name])
# infer species from gene id
if species == "auto":
ensid = gene_ids[0]
species = get_organism(ensid)
# bring into biomart format
# first letter of all words but complete last word e.g. hsapiens, mmusculus
spl_name = species.lower().split("_")
species = "".join(map(lambda x: x[0], spl_name[:-1])) + spl_name[-1]
print(f"Identified species as {species}")
# get id <-> name table
id_name_table = gene_id_to_name(ids=gene_ids, species=species)
# create new .var and replace in adata
new_var = pd.merge(
right=id_name_table.set_index("Gene stable ID"),
new_var["Gene name"].fillna('', inplace=True)
new_var.rename(columns={"Gene name": name_col}, inplace=True)
adata.var = new_var
if not inplace:
return adata
def unify_genes_column(adata: sc.AnnData,
column: str,
unified_column: str = "unified_names",
species: str = "auto",
inplace: bool = True) -> Optional[sc.AnnData]:
Given an adata.var column with mixed Ensembl IDs and Ensembl names, this function creates a new column where Ensembl IDs are replaced with their respective Ensembl names.
adata : sc.AnnData
AnnData object
column : str
Column name in adata.var
unified_column : str, default "unified_names"
Defines the column in which unified gene names are saved. Set same as parameter 'column' to overwrite original column.
species : str, default "auto"
Species of the dataset. On default, species is inferred based on gene ids.
inplace : bool, default True
Whether to modify adata or return a copy.
AnnData object with modified gene column.
If column name is not found in `adata.var` or no Ensembl IDs in selected column.
if column not in adata.var.columns:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid column name. Name has to be a column found in adata.var. Available names are: {adata.var.columns}.")
if not inplace:
adata = adata.copy()
# check for ensembl ids
ensids = [el for el in adata.var[column] if el.startswith("ENS")]
if not ensids:
raise ValueError(f"No Ensembl IDs in adata.var['{column}'] found.")
# infer species from gene id
if species == "auto":
ensid = ensids[0]
species = get_organism(ensid)
# bring into biomart format
# first letter of all words but complete last word e.g. hsapiens, mmusculus
spl_name = species.lower().split("_")
species = "".join(map(lambda x: x[0], spl_name[:-1])) + spl_name[-1]
print(f"Identified species as {species}")
# get id <-> name table
id_name_table = gene_id_to_name(ids=ensids, species=species)
count = 0
for index, row in adata.var.iterrows():
if row[column] in id_name_table['Gene stable ID'].values:
count += 1
# replace gene id with name
adata.var.at[index, unified_column] = id_name_table.at[id_name_table.index[id_name_table["Gene stable ID"] == row[column]][0], "Gene name"]
adata.var.at[index, unified_column] = adata.var.at[index, column]
print(f'{count} ensembl gene ids have been replaced with gene names')
if not inplace:
return adata
# Check integrity of gtf file #
def _gtf_integrity(gtf: str) -> bool:
Check if the provided file follows the gtf-format.
TODO rather return False than raise an error.
Checks the following:
- file-ending
- header ##format: gtf
- number of columns == 9
- regex pattern of column 9 matches gtf specific format
gtf : str
Path to file.
True if the file is a valid gtf-file.
If the file is not in gtf-format.
regex_header = '#+.*'
regex_format_column = '#+format: gtf.*' # comment can start with one or more '#'
# Initialize parameters
first_entry = []
header = False
format_gtf = False
if utils._is_gz_file(gtf):
fp = gzip.open(gtf, 'rt') # read text (rt) mode
fp = open(gtf)
# Check header (if present) and first entry
for line in fp:
if re.match(regex_header, line):
header = True
if re.match(regex_format_column, line):
# Check if format information in the header matches gtf
format_gtf = True
first_entry = line.split(sep='\t')
fp.close() # done reading from file
# Check if number of columns matches 9
if len(first_entry) != 9:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Number of columns in the gtf file unequal 9')
# If there was a header, check that the header matches gtf
if header and not format_gtf:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Header in gtf file does not match gtf format')
# Extract gene_id information from column 9 and check if the format is gtf (not gff)
column_9 = first_entry[8]
column_9_split = column_9.split(sep=';')
gene_id = column_9_split[0] # TODO; it cannot always be assumed that the gene_id is the first entry in column 9
# gtf specific format of the gene_id column (gff3: gene_id="xxxxx"; gtf: gene_id "xxxxx")
regex_gene_id = 'gene_id ".*"'
# check match of the pattern
if not re.match(regex_gene_id, gene_id):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('gtf file is corrupted')
return True # the function only returns of no error is raised
def _overlap_two_bedfiles(bed1: str, bed2: str, overlap: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Overlap two bedfiles and writes the overlap to a new bedfile.
bed1 : str
path to bedfile1
bed2 : str
path to bedfile2
overlap : str
path to output bedfile
**kwargs : Any
Additional arguments passed to pybedtools.BedTool.intersect
# Ensure that path to bedtools is set
# Load the bed files using Pybedtools
bedfile1 = pybedtools.BedTool(bed1)
bedfile2 = pybedtools.BedTool(bed2)
# Perform the intersection
# The kwargs can be passed directly to the intersect function
intersected = bedfile1.intersect(bedfile2, **kwargs)
# Save the output
def _read_bedfile(bedfile: str) -> list:
Read in a bedfile and returns a list of the rows.
bedfile : str
path to bedfile
list of bedfile rows
bed_list = []
with open(bedfile, 'rb') as file:
for row in file:
row = row.decode("utf-8")
row = row.split('\t')
line = [str(row[0]), int(row[1]), int(row[2]), str(row[3]), int(row[4])]
return bed_list
def _bed_is_sorted(bedfile: str) -> bool:
Check if a bedfile is sorted by the start position.
bedfile : str
path to bedfile
True if bedfile is sorted
with open(bedfile) as file:
counter = 0
previous = 0
for row in file:
row = row.split('\t')
if previous > int(row[1]):
return False
previous = int(row[1])
counter += 1
if counter > 100:
return True
def _sort_bed(bedfile: str, sorted_bedfile: str) -> None:
Sort a bedfile by the start position.
bedfile : str
path to bedfile
sorted_bedfile : str
path to sorted bedfile
sort_cmd = f'sort -k1,1 -k2,2n {bedfile} > {sorted_bedfile}'