"""Decorators and related functions."""
import scanpy as sc
import functools
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
from beartype.typing import Callable
from beartype import beartype
import sctoolbox.utils.general as utils
def log_anndata(func: Callable) -> Callable:
Decorate function to log adata inside function call.
func : Callable
Function to decorate.
Decorated function
# TODO store datatypes not supported by scanpy.write as string representation (repr())
@functools.wraps(func) # preserve information of the decorated func
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# find anndata object within parameters (if there are more use the first one)
adata = None
for param in list(args) + list(kwargs.values()):
if isinstance(param, sc.AnnData):
adata = param
if adata is None:
raise ValueError("Can only log functions that receive an AnnData object as parameter.")
# init adata if necessary
if "sctoolbox" not in adata.uns.keys():
adata.uns["sctoolbox"] = dict()
if "log" not in adata.uns["sctoolbox"].keys():
adata.uns["sctoolbox"]["log"] = dict()
funcname = func.__name__
if funcname not in adata.uns["sctoolbox"]["log"].keys():
adata.uns["sctoolbox"]["log"][funcname] = {}
# Convert objects to safe representations, e.g. anndata objects to string representation and tuple to list
args_repr = {f"arg{i+1}": element for i, element in enumerate(args)} # create dict with arg1, arg2, ... as keys instead of list to prevent errors with wrongly shaped arrays
kwargs_repr = kwargs
convert = {sc.AnnData: repr, tuple: list, matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes: str}
for typ, convfunc in convert.items():
args_repr = {param: convfunc(element) if isinstance(element, typ) else element for param, element in args_repr.items()}
kwargs_repr = {param: convfunc(element) if isinstance(element, typ) else element for param, element in kwargs_repr.items()}
# log information on run
d = {}
d["timestamp"] = utils.get_datetime()
d["user"] = utils.get_user()
d["func"] = funcname
d["args"] = args_repr
d["kwargs"] = kwargs_repr
run_n = len(adata.uns["sctoolbox"]["log"][funcname]) + 1
adata.uns["sctoolbox"]["log"][funcname][f"run_{run_n}"] = d
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def get_parameter_table(adata: sc.AnnData) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get a table of all function calls with their parameters from the adata.uns["sctoolbox"] dictionary.
adata : sc.AnnData
Annotated data matrix with logged function calls.
Table with all function calls and their parameters.
If no logs are found.
if "sctoolbox" not in adata.uns.keys() or "log" not in adata.uns["sctoolbox"].keys():
raise ValueError("No sctoolbox function calls logged in adata.")
# Create an overview table for each function
function_tables = []
for function in adata.uns["sctoolbox"]["log"].keys():
table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(adata.uns["sctoolbox"]["log"][function], orient='index')
table.sort_values("timestamp", inplace=True)
table.insert(len(table.columns), "func_count", table.index)
# Concatenate all tables and sort by timestamp
complete_table = pd.concat(function_tables)
complete_table.sort_values("timestamp", inplace=True)
complete_table.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# reorder columns
first_cols = ["func", "args", "kwargs"]
complete_table = complete_table.reindex(columns=first_cols + list(set(complete_table.columns) - set(first_cols)))
return complete_table
def debug_func_log(func: Callable) -> None:
Decorate function to print function call with arguments and keyword arguments.
In progress.
func : Callable
Function to decorate.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print(f"DEBUG: {func.__name__} called with args: {args} and kwargs: {kwargs}")
return func(*args, **kwargs)