"""Plots for marker genes e.g. as results of sc.tl.rank_genes_groups."""
import scanpy as sc
import numpy as np
import qnorm
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from scipy.stats import zscore
import re
# for plotting
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from beartype.typing import Optional, Tuple, Literal, Iterable, Any
from beartype import beartype
# sctoolbox functions
import sctoolbox.utils as utils
from sctoolbox.plotting.general import bidirectional_barplot, _save_figure, _make_square
import sctoolbox.utils.decorator as deco
def rank_genes_plot(adata: sc.AnnData,
key: Optional[str] = "rank_genes_groups",
genes: Optional[list[str] | dict[str, list[str]]] = None,
n_genes: int = 15,
dendrogram: bool = False,
groupby: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[str] = None,
style: Literal["dots", "heatmap"] = "dots",
measure: str = "expression",
save: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> dict:
Plot expression of genes from rank_genes_groups or from a gene list/dict.
adata : sc.AnnData
Annotated data matrix.
key : Optional[str], default "rank_genes_groups"
Key from `adata.uns` to plot. For example, `rank_genes_groups` or `rank_genes_groups_filtered`.
genes : Optional[list[str] | dict[str, list[str]]], default None
List of genes to plot across groups in 'groupby'. If a dict is passed, the keys are the group names and the values are lists of genes. Setting 'genes' overrides the 'key' parameter.
n_genes : int, default 15
Number of genes to plot if `key` is specified.
dendrogram : bool, default False
Whether to show the dendrogram for groups.
groupby : Optional[str], default None
Key from `adata.obs` to group cells by.
title : Optional[str], default None
Title for the plot.
style : Literal["dots", "heatmap"], default "dots"
Style of the plot. Either `dots` or `heatmap`.
measure : str, default "expression"
Measure to write in colorbar label. For example, `expression` or `accessibility`.
save : Optional[str], default None
If given, save the figure to this path.
**kwargs : Any
Additional arguments passed to `sc.pl.rank_genes_groups_dotplot` or `sc.pl.rank_genes_groups_matrixplot`.
1. If `style` is not one of `dots` or `heatmap`
2. If `groupby` is not specified when `genes` is specified.
g : dict
Dictionary containing the matplotlib axes objects for the plot.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
pl.rank_genes_plot(adata, n_genes=5)
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
pl.rank_genes_plot(adata, genes={"group1": adata.var.index[:10], "group2": adata.var.index[10:20]}, groupby="bulk_labels")
# Key is not needed if genes are specified
if genes is not None:
key = None
# Plot genes from rank_genes_groups or from gene list
parameters = {"swap_axes": False} # default parameters
if key is not None: # from rank_genes_groups output
if style == "dots":
g = sc.pl.rank_genes_groups_dotplot(adata,
elif style == "heatmap":
g = sc.pl.rank_genes_groups_matrixplot(adata,
else: # from a gene list
if groupby is None:
raise ValueError("The parameter 'groupby' is needed if 'genes' is given.")
if style == "dots":
g = sc.pl.dotplot(adata, genes,
elif style == "heatmap":
g = sc.pl.matrixplot(adata, genes,
g["mainplot_ax"].set_xticklabels(g["mainplot_ax"].get_xticklabels(), ha="right", rotation=45)
# Rotate gene group names
if "gene_group_ax" in g and parameters["swap_axes"] is False: # only rotate if axes is not swapped
for text in g["gene_group_ax"]._children:
text._rotation = 45
text._horizontalalignment = "left"
# Change title of colorbar (for example expression -> accessibility)
default_title = g["color_legend_ax"].get_title()
updated_title = default_title.replace("expression", measure)
# Add title to plot above groups
if title is not None:
if "gene_group_ax" in g:
if parameters["swap_axes"]:
g["mainplot_ax"].set_title(title + "\n" * 2) # \n to ensure a little space between title and plot
fig = plt.gcf()
renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
highest_y = 0
for text in g["gene_group_ax"]._children:
# Find highest y value for all labels
ax = g["gene_group_ax"]
transf = ax.transData.inverted()
bb = text.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer)
bb_datacoords = bb.transformed(transf)
highest_y = bb_datacoords.y1 if bb_datacoords.y1 > highest_y else highest_y
x_mid = np.mean(g["gene_group_ax"].get_xlim())
g["gene_group_ax"].text(x_mid, highest_y + 0.2, title, fontsize=14, va="bottom", ha="center")
# Save figure
return g
# Violin / boxplot / bar for genes between groups #
def grouped_violin(adata: sc.AnnData,
x: str | list[str],
y: Optional[str] = None,
groupby: Optional[str] = None,
figsize: Optional[Tuple[int | float, int | float]] = None,
title: Optional[str] = None,
style: Literal["violin", "boxplot", "bar"] = "violin",
normalize: bool = False,
ax: Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None,
save: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes:
Create violinplot of values across cells in an adata object grouped by x and 'groupby'.
Can for example show the expression of one gene across groups (x = obs_group, y = gene),
expression of multiple genes grouped by cell type (x = gene_list, groupby = obs_cell_type),
or values from adata.obs across cells (x = obs_group, y = obs_column).
adata : sc.AnnData
Annotated data matrix.
x : str | list[str]
Column name in adata.obs or gene name(s) in adata.var.index to group by on the x-axis. Multiple gene names can be given in a list.
y : Optional[str], default None
A column name in adata.obs or a gene in adata.var.index to plot values for. Only needed if x is a column in adata.obs.
groupby : Optional[str], default None
Column name in adata.obs to create grouped violins. If None, a single violin is plotted per group in 'x'.
figsize : Optional[Tuple[int | float, int | float]], default None
Figure size.
title : Optional[str], default None
Title of the plot. If None, no title is shown.
style : Literal["violin", "boxplot", "bar"], default "violin"
Plot style. Either "violin" or "boxplot" or "bar".
normalize : bool, default False
If True, normalize the values in 'y' to the range [0, 1] per group in 'x'.
ax : Optional[matplotlib.axes.Axes], default None
A matplotlib axes object to plot violinplots in. If None, a new figure and axes is created.
save : Optional[str], default None
Path to save the figure to. If None, the figure is not saved.
**kwargs : Any
Additional arguments passed to seaborn.violinplot or seaborn.boxplot.
If x or y are not columns in adata.obs or a genes in adata.var.index.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
pl.grouped_violin(adata, 'phase', y='G2M_score')
if isinstance(x, str):
x = [x]
x = list(x) # convert to list incase x was a numpy array or other iterable
# Establish if x is a column in adata.obs or a gene in adata.var.index
x_assignment = []
for element in x:
if element not in adata.obs.columns and element not in adata.var.index:
raise ValueError(f"{element} is not a column in adata.obs or a gene in adata.var.index")
x_assignment.append("obs" if element in adata.obs.columns else "var")
if len(set(x_assignment)) > 1:
raise ValueError("x must be either a column in adata.obs or all genes in adata.var.index")
x_assignment = x_assignment[0]
# Establish if y is a column in adata.obs or a gene in adata.var.index
if x_assignment == "obs" and y is None:
raise ValueError("Because 'x' is a column in obs, 'y' must be given as parameter")
if y is not None:
if y in adata.obs.columns:
y_assignment = "obs"
elif y in adata.var.index:
y_assignment = "var"
raise ValueError(f"y' ({y}) was not found in either adata.obs or adata.var.index")
# Create obs table with column
obs_cols = [col for col in [x[0], y, groupby] if col is not None and col in adata.obs.columns]
obs_table = adata.obs.copy()[obs_cols] # creates a copy
for element in x + [y]:
if element in adata.var.index:
gene_idx = np.argwhere(adata.var.index == element)[0][0]
vals = adata.X[:, gene_idx].todense().A1
obs_table[element] = vals
# Convert table to long format if the x-axis contains gene expressions
if x_assignment == "var":
index_name = obs_table.index.name
id_vars = [index_name, groupby]
id_vars = id_vars + x if x_assignment == "obs" else id_vars
id_vars = [v for v in id_vars if v is not None]
value_name = "Expression" if not normalize else "Normalized expression"
obs_table = obs_table.melt(id_vars=id_vars, value_vars=x,
var_name="Gene", value_name=value_name)
x_var = "Gene"
y_var = value_name
x_var = x[0]
y_var = y
# Normalize values to 0-1 per group in x_var
if normalize:
obs_table[y_var] = obs_table.groupby(x_var, group_keys=False)[y_var].apply(lambda x: (x - x.min()) / (x.max() - x.min()))
# Plot expression from obs table
if ax is None:
_, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
if style == "violin":
kwargs["scale"] = "width" if "scale" not in kwargs else kwargs["scale"] # set defaults
kwargs["cut"] = 0 if "cut" not in kwargs else kwargs["cut"]
sns.violinplot(data=obs_table, x=x_var, y=y_var, hue=groupby, ax=ax, **kwargs)
elif style == "boxplot":
sns.boxplot(data=obs_table, x=x_var, y=y_var, hue=groupby, ax=ax, **kwargs)
elif style == "bar":
raise ValueError(f"Style '{style}' is not valid for this function. Style must be one of 'violin' or 'boxplot'")
if groupby is not None:
ax.legend(title=groupby, loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), frameon=False) # Set location of legend
# Final adjustments of labels
if x_assignment == "obs" and y_assignment == "var":
ax.set_ylabel(ax.get_ylabel() + " expression")
_ = ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right")
# save figure if output is given
return ax
def group_expression_boxplot(adata: sc.AnnData,
gene_list: list[str],
groupby: str,
figsize: Optional[Tuple[int | float, int | float]] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes:
Plot a boxplot showing summarized gene expression of genes in `gene_list` across the groups in `groupby`.
The total gene expression is quantile normalized per group, and are subsequently normalized to 0-1 per gene across groups.
adata : sc.AnnData
An annotated data matrix object containing counts in .X.
gene_list : list[str]
A list of genes to show expression for.
groupby : str
A column in .obs for grouping cells into groups on the x-axis
figsize : Optional[Tuple[int | float, int | float]], default None (matplotlib default)
Control the size of the output figure, e.g. (6,10).
**kwargs : Any
Additional arguments passed to seaborn.boxplot.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
gene_list=("HES4", "PRMT2", "ITGB2")
pl.group_expression_boxplot(adata, gene_list, groupby="bulk_labels")
# Obtain pseudobulk
gene_table = utils.pseudobulk_table(adata, groupby)
# Normalize across clusters
gene_table = qnorm.quantile_normalize(gene_table, axis=1)
# Normalize to 0-1 across groups
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
df = gene_table.T
df[df.columns] = scaler.fit_transform(df[df.columns])
gene_table = df
# Melt to long format
gene_table_melted = gene_table.reset_index().melt(id_vars="index", var_name="gene")
gene_table_melted.rename(columns={"index": groupby}, inplace=True)
# Subset to input gene list
gene_table_melted = gene_table_melted[gene_table_melted["gene"].isin(gene_list)]
# Sort by median value
medians = gene_table_melted.groupby(groupby)["value"].median().to_frame()
medians.columns = ["medians"]
gene_table_melted_sorted = gene_table_melted.merge(medians, left_on=groupby, right_index=True).sort_values("medians", ascending=False)
# Joined figure with all
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
g = sns.boxplot(data=gene_table_melted_sorted, x=groupby, y="value", ax=ax, color="darkgrey", **kwargs)
ax.set_ylabel("Normalized expression")
ax.set_xticklabels(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right")
return g
def gene_expression_heatmap(adata: sc.AnnData,
genes: list[str],
cluster_column: str,
gene_name_column: Optional[str] = None,
title: Optional[str] = None,
groupby: Optional[str] = None,
row_cluster: bool = True,
col_cluster: bool = False,
show_row_dendrogram: bool = False,
show_col_dendrogram: bool = False,
figsize: Optional[Tuple[int | float, int | float]] = None,
save: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Any: # Any since beartype cannot handle sns datatypes
Plot a heatmap of z-score normalized gene expression across clusters/groups.
adata : sc.AnnData
Annotated data matrix.
genes : list[str]
List of genes to plot. Must match names in `adata.var.index`.
cluster_column : str
Key in `adata.obs` for which to cluster the x-axis.
gene_name_column : Optional[str], default None
Column in `adata.var` for which to use for gene row names. Default is to use the .var index.
title : Optional[str], default None
Title of the plot.
groupby : Optional[str], default None
Key in `adata.obs` for which to plot a colorbar per cluster.
row_cluster : bool, default True
Whether to cluster the rows.
col_cluster : bool, default False
Whether to cluster the columns.
show_row_dendrogram : bool, default False
Whether to show the dendrogram for the rows.
show_col_dendrogram : bool, default False
Whether to show the dendrogram for the columns.
figsize : Optional[Tuple[int | float, int | float]], default None
Size of the figure. If `None`, use default size.
save : Optional[str], default None
If given, save the figure to this path.
**kwargs : Any
Additional arguments passed to `seaborn.clustermap`.
g : Any
sns.matrix.ClusterGrid: The seaborn ClusterGrid object containing the heatmap.
Note: Any since sns.matrix.ClusterGrid cannot be checked by beartype.
If `gene_name_column` is not a column in `adata.var`.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
adata.obs["samples"] = np.random.choice(["CTRL1", "CTRL2", "CTRL3", "CTRL4", "TREAT1", "TREAT2", "TREAT3", "TREAT4"], size=adata.shape[0])
adata.obs["condition"] = adata.obs["samples"].str.extract("([A-Z]+)")
genes = adata.var.index[:15]
pl.gene_expression_heatmap(adata, genes, cluster_column="samples",
title="Gene expression",
adata = adata[:, genes] # Subset to genes
# Decide which combination to cluster by
groupby_col = "_cluster_by"
if groupby is not None:
adata.obs[groupby_col] = list(zip(adata.obs[cluster_column], adata.obs[groupby]))
adata.obs[groupby_col] = [(s, ) for s in adata.obs[cluster_column]]
# Collect counts for each gene per sample
counts = utils.pseudobulk_table(adata, groupby=groupby_col)
counts_z = counts.T.apply(zscore).T
# Color dict for groupby
if groupby is not None:
groups = adata.obs[groupby].unique().tolist()
color_list = sns.color_palette()[:len(groups)]
color_dict = dict(zip(groups, color_list))
# Get color per column
colors = [color_dict[col[-1]] for col in counts_z.columns]
col_colors = pd.Series(index=counts_z.columns, data=colors)
col_colors = None
# Translation dict for row names
if gene_name_column is not None:
row_name_dict = dict(zip(adata.var.index, adata.var[gene_name_column]))
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f"Column '{gene_name_column}' not found in adata.var")
row_name_dict = {}
nrows, ncols = counts_z.shape
figsize = (ncols / 2, nrows / 3) if figsize is None else figsize # (width, height)
# Plot heatmap
parameters = {"cmap": "bwr", "center": 0}
g = sns.clustermap(counts_z,
yticklabels=True, # show all genes
yticklabes = [row_name_dict.get(s, s) for s in g.data2d.index]
xticklabels = [c[0] for c in g.data2d.columns] # first index contains the cluster_column
g.ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels(xticklabels, rotation=45, ha="right")
g.ax_heatmap.tick_params(left=True, labelleft=True, right=False, labelright=False)
heatmap_bbox = g.ax_heatmap.get_position()
if show_row_dendrogram is False:
if show_col_dendrogram is False:
# Invert order of x-axis
# g.ax_col_colors.invert_xaxis()
# g.ax_col_dendrogram.invert_xaxis()
# g.ax_heatmap.invert_xaxis()
# Move colorbar
cbar_ax = g.ax_cbar
cbar_width = heatmap_bbox.width / ncols # width of 1 column
cbar_height = min(heatmap_bbox.height, heatmap_bbox.height / nrows * 5) # 5 rows high, but ensure colorbar is not taller than heatmap
cbar_ax.set_position([heatmap_bbox.x1 + cbar_width, heatmap_bbox.y0, cbar_width, cbar_height])
cbar_ax.set_ylabel("Mean expr.\nz-score")
# Add color legend for groupby above cbar
if groupby is not None:
g.ax_col_colors.tick_params(right=False, labelright=False)
handles = [Patch(facecolor=color_dict[name]) for name in color_dict]
legend = plt.legend(handles, color_dict,
bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1.25), # 1.25 to make sure there is space for cbar label
loc='lower left',
handlelength=1, handleheight=1,
legend._legend_box.align = "left"
# Set title on top of heatmap
if title is not None:
if g.ax_col_dendrogram.get_visible():
g.ax_col_dendrogram.set_title(title, fontsize=13)
g.ax_heatmap.text(counts_z.shape[1] / 2, -2, title, # ensures space beetween title and heatmap
transform=g.ax_heatmap.transData, ha="center", va="bottom",
return g
def plot_differential_genes(rank_table: pd.DataFrame,
title: str = "Differentially expressed genes",
save: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes:
Plot number of differentially expressed genes per contrast in a barplot.
rank_table : pd.DataFrame
Output of sctoolbox.tools.marker_genes.pairwise_rank_genes.
title : str, default "Differentially expressed genes"
Title of the plot.
save : Optional[str], default None
If given, save the figure to this path.
**kwargs : Any
Keyword arguments passed to pl.bidirectional_barplot.
If no significant differentially expressed genes are found in the data.
Axes object.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
import sctoolbox.tools as tl
adata.obs["groups"] = np.random.choice(["G1", "G2", "G3"], size=adata.shape[0])
pairwise_table = tl.marker_genes.pairwise_rank_genes(adata, foldchange_threshold=0.2, groupby="groups")
group_columns = [col for col in rank_table.columns if "_group" in col]
info = {}
for col in group_columns:
m = re.match("(.+)/(.+)_group", col) # tuple(col.split("_")[0].split("/"))
contrast = tuple([m.group(1), m.group(2)])
counts = rank_table[col].value_counts()
if all(x in list(counts.index) for x in ['C1', 'C2']):
info[contrast] = {"left_value": counts["C1"], "right_value": counts["C2"]}
if not info:
raise ValueError("No significant differentially expressed genes in the data. Abort.")
df = pd.DataFrame().from_dict(info, orient="index")
df = df.reset_index(names=["left_label", "right_label"])
ax = bidirectional_barplot(df, title=title, save=save, **kwargs)
ax.set_xlabel("Number of genes")
return ax
def plot_gene_correlation(adata: sc.AnnData,
ref_gene: str,
gene_list: list[str] | str,
ncols: int = 3,
figsize: Optional[Tuple[int | float, int | float]] = None,
save: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Iterable[matplotlib.axes.Axes]:
Plot the gene expression of one reference gene against the expression of a set of genes.
adata : sc.AnnData
An annotated data matrix object containing counts in .X.
ref_gene : str
Reference gene to which other genes are comapred to.
gene_list : list[str] | str
A list of genes to show expression for.
ncols : int, default 3
Number of columns in plot grid.
figsize : Optional[Tuple[int | float, int | float]], default None
Control the size of the output figure, e.g. (6,10).
save : Optional[str], default None
Save the figure to a file.
**kwargs : Any
Additional arguments passed to seaborn.regplot.
List containing all axis objects.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
gene_list=("HES4", "PRMT2", "ITGB2")
pl.plot_gene_correlation(adata, "SUMO3", gene_list)
if isinstance(gene_list, str):
gene_list = [gene_list]
# Find out how many rows we need
nrows = int(np.ceil(len(gene_list) / ncols))
if figsize is None:
figsize = (ncols * 3, nrows * 3)
fig, axarr = plt.subplots(ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, figsize=figsize)
axes_list = axarr.flatten()
# Get expression values of reference gene
ref = adata[:, ref_gene].to_df()[ref_gene]
for i, gene in enumerate(gene_list):
ax = axes_list[i]
gene_expr = adata[:, gene].to_df()[gene]
sns.regplot(x=ref, y=gene_expr, ax=ax, **kwargs)
# Hide axes not used
for ax in axes_list[len(gene_list):]:
axes_list = axes_list[:len(gene_list)]
# Make plots square
for ax in axes_list:
# Save figure if chosen
if save:
return axes_list