"""Module to calculate fold change of reads or fragments from a BAM or fragments file that overlap specified regions."""
import os
import pkg_resources
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import scanpy as sc
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.typing import Optional, Tuple, Literal
import deprecation
import sctoolbox
import sctoolbox.utils as utils
from sctoolbox.tools.bam import create_fragment_file
import sctoolbox.utils.decorator as deco
from sctoolbox._settings import settings
logger = settings.logger
def _convert_gtf_to_bed(gtf: str,
out: Optional[str] = None,
temp_files: list[str] = []) -> Tuple[str, list[str]]:
Convert GTF-file to BED file.
Extract 'chr', 'start' and 'stop' from .gtf file and convert it to sorted BED file.
BED file will be sorted by chromosome name and start position.
gtf : str
Path to .gtf file.
out : Optional[str], default None
Path to save new BED file. If none, the file will be saved in the same folder as tha BAM file.
temp_files : list[str], default []
List of temporary files.
Tuple[str, list[str]]
Path to fragments and temp files.
name = os.path.basename(gtf)
if not out:
out = os.getcwd()
out_unsorted = os.path.join(out, f'{name}_tmp.bed')
out_sorted = os.path.join(out, f'{name}_sorted.bed')
# add temp file to list
with open(gtf, 'rb') as file:
with open(out_unsorted, "w") as out_file:
for row in file:
row = row.decode("utf-8") # convert binary to string
if row.startswith('#'): # skip if header
row = row.split('\t')
line = row[0] + '\t' + row[3] + '\t' + row[4] + '\n'
# sort gtf
utils._sort_bed(out_unsorted, out_sorted)
# remove unsorted
# return the path to sorted bed
return out_sorted, temp_files
def fc_fragments_in_regions(adata: sc.AnnData,
regions_file: str,
bam_file: Optional[str] = None,
fragments_file: Optional[str] = None,
cb_col: Optional[str] = None,
cb_tag: str = 'CB',
regions_name: str = 'list',
threads: int = 4,
temp_dir: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Calculate the fold change of fragments in a region against the background.
This function calculates the fold change of fragments overlapping a region against the background for each cell.
The regions are specified in a BED or GTF file and the fragments should be provided by a fragments or BAM file.
The results are added to the anndata object as new column.
adata : sc.AnnData
The anndata object containig cell barcodes in adata.obs.
regions_file : str
Path to BED or GTF file containing regions of interest.
bam_file : Optional[str], default None
Path to BAM file. If None, a fragments file must be provided in the parameter 'fragments_file'.
fragments_file : Optional[str], default None
Path to fragments file. If None, a BAM file must be provided in the parameter 'bam_file'. The
BAM file will be converted into fragments file.
cb_col : Optional[str], default None
The column in adata.obs containing cell barcodes. If None, adata.obs.index will be used.
cb_tag : str, default 'CB'
The tag where cell barcodes are saved in the bam file. Set to None if the barcodes are in read names.
regions_name : str, default 'list'
The name of the regions in the BED or GTF file (e.g. Exons). The name will be used as columns' name
added to the anndata object (e.g. pct_fragments_in_{regions_name}).
threads : int, default 1
Number of threads for parallelization. Will be used to convert BAM to fragments file.
temp_dir : Optional[str], default None
Path to temporary directory. Will use the current working directory by default.
If bam_file and fragment file is not provided.
if temp_dir:
temp_dir = os.getcwd()
if not bam_file and not fragments_file:
raise ValueError("Either BAM file or fragments file has to be provided!")
# check for column in adata.obs where barcodes are
if cb_col:
except KeyError:
logger.error(f"{cb_col} is not in adata.obs!")
temp_files = []
# check if regions file is gtf or bed
file_ext = Path(regions_file).suffix
if file_ext.lower() == '.gtf':
logger.info("Converting GTF to BED...")
# convert gtf to bed with columns chr, start, end
bed_file, temp_files = _convert_gtf_to_bed(regions_file, temp_files=temp_files, out=temp_dir)
elif file_ext.lower() == '.bed':
bed_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.split(regions_file)[1])[0]) + '_sorted.bed'
if not utils._bed_is_sorted(regions_file):
logger.info("Sorting BED file...")
utils._sort_bed(regions_file, bed_file)
bed_file = regions_file
# if only bam file is available -> convert to fragments
if bam_file and not fragments_file:
logger.info('Converting BAM to fragments file! This may take a while...')
fragments_file = create_fragment_file(bam=bam_file,
# Check if fragments file is sorted
if not utils._bed_is_sorted(fragments_file):
# sort fragments file
logger.info('Sorting fragments file...')
unsorted_fragments_file = fragments_file
fragments_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.splitext(os.path.split(unsorted_fragments_file)[1])[0]) + '_sorted.bed'
utils._sort_bed(unsorted_fragments_file, fragments_file)
# overlap reads in fragments with promoter regions, return path to overlapped file
logger.info('Finding overlaps...')
overlap_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'overlap_fragments_gtf.bed')
utils._overlap_two_bedfiles(fragments_file, bed_file, overlap=overlap_file, wa=True, wb=True, sorted=True)
# read overlap bedfile as dataframe
overlap_df = pd.read_csv(overlap_file,
names=['chr_f', 'start_f', 'stop_f', 'barcode', 'count', 'chr_g', 'start_g', 'stop_g'])
# read fragments bedfile as dataframe
fragments_df = pd.read_csv(fragments_file,
names=['chr', 'start', 'stop', 'barcode', 'count'])
# count fragments per cell
counts_ov = pd.DataFrame(count_fragments_per_cell(overlap_df, barcode_col='barcode', frag_count='count')) # count fragments per cell in overlap
counts_all = pd.DataFrame(count_fragments_per_cell(fragments_df, barcode_col='barcode', frag_count='count')) # count fragments per cell in all
# merge counts
merged_df = counts_ov.join(counts_all, how='outer', lsuffix='_ov', rsuffix='_all') # merge outer to keep all cells
# calculate fold change
logger.info('Calculating fold change...')
column_name = f'fold_change_{regions_name}_fragments' # name of the new column
merged_df[column_name] = merged_df['count_ov'] / merged_df['count_all'] # calculate fold change (Maybe better to use log2 fold change?)
# fill NaN with 0 as NaN means no fragments in that cell
merged_df = merged_df.fillna(0)
# add to adata.obs
logger.info('Adding results to adata object...')
adata.obs = adata.obs.join(merged_df[column_name], how='left') # merge left to keep only cells in adata.obs
# clean up temp files
logger.info("cleaning up...")
rm_dir=False if temp_dir else True)
def count_fragments_per_cell(df: pd.DataFrame, barcode_col: str = 'barcode', frag_count: str = 'count') -> pd.DataFrame:
Get counts per cell from a dataframe containing fragments.
The dataframe must have a column with cell barcodes and a column with fragment counts.
df : pd.DataFrame
The dataframe of a bedfile containing the fragments.
barcode_col : str, default 'barcode'
The column name containing the cell barcodes.
frag_count : str, default 'count'
The column name containing the fragment counts.
The dataframe containing the number of fragments per cell.
fragments_per_cell = df.groupby(barcode_col)[frag_count].sum()
return fragments_per_cell