"""Embedding tools."""
import scanpy as sc
import multiprocessing as mp
import pandas as pd
import itertools
import scipy
import re
import numpy as np
from beartype.typing import Iterable, Any, Literal, Optional, Tuple
from beartype import beartype
import sctoolbox.utils as utils
def wrap_umap(adatas: Iterable[sc.AnnData], threads: int = 4, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
Compute umap for a list of adatas in parallel.
adatas : Iterable[sc.AnnData]
List of anndata objects to compute umap on.
threads : int, default 4
Number of threads to use.
**kwargs : Any
Additional arguments to be passed to sc.tl.umap.
pool = mp.Pool(threads)
kwargs["copy"] = True # always copy
jobs = []
for i, adata in enumerate(adatas):
adata_minimal = utils.get_minimal_adata(adata)
job = pool.apply_async(sc.tl.umap, args=(adata_minimal, ), kwds=kwargs)
utils.monitor_jobs(jobs, "Computing UMAPs ")
# Get results and add to adatas
for i, adata in enumerate(adatas):
adata_return = jobs[i].get()
adata.obsm["X_umap"] = adata_return.obsm["X_umap"]
def correlation_matrix(adata: sc.AnnData,
which: Literal["obs", "var"] = "obs",
basis: str = "pca",
n_components: Optional[int] = None,
columns: Optional[list[str]] = None,
method: Literal["spearmanr", "pearsonr"] = "spearmanr") -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
Compute a matrix of correlation values between an embedding and given columns.
adata : sc.AnnData
Annotated data matrix object.
which : Literal["obs", "var"], default "obs"
Whether to use the observations ("obs") or variables ("var") for the correlation.
basis : str, default "pca"
Dimensionality reduction to calculate correlation with. Must be a key in adata.obsm, or a basis available as "X_<basis>" such as "umap", "tsne" or "pca".
n_components : int, default None
Number of components to use for the correlation.
columns : Optional[list[str]], default None
List of columns to use for the correlation. If None, all numeric columns are used.
method : Literal["spearmanr", "pearson"], default "spearmanr"
Method to use for correlation. Must be either "pearsonr" or "spearmanr".
Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]
correlation coefficient, p-values
If "basis" is not found in data, if "which" is not "obs" or "var", if "method" is not "pearsonr" or "spearmanr", or if "which" is "var" and "basis" not "pca".
If any of the given columns is not found in the respective table.
# Check that basis is in adata.obsm
if basis not in adata.obsm:
basis = "X_" + basis if not basis.startswith("X_") else basis # check if basis is available as "X_<basis>"
if basis not in adata.obsm:
raise KeyError(f"The given basis '{basis}' cannot be found in adata.obsm. The available keys are: {list(adata.obsm.keys())}.")
# Establish which table to use
if which == "obs":
table = adata.obs.copy()
mat = adata.obsm[basis]
elif which == "var":
if "pca" not in basis.lower():
raise ValueError("Correlation with 'var' can only be calculated with PCA components!")
table = adata.var.copy()
mat = adata.varm["PCs"]
# Check that method is available
corr_method = getattr(scipy.stats, method)
except AttributeError:
s = f"'{method}' is not a valid method within scipy.stats. Please choose one of pearsonr/spearmanr."
raise ValueError(s)
# Get columns
if columns is None:
numerics = ['int16', 'int32', 'int64', 'float16', 'float32', 'float64']
numeric_columns = table.select_dtypes(include=numerics).columns.tolist()
utils.check_columns(table, columns)
numeric_columns = columns
# Get table of pcs and columns
n_components = min(n_components, mat.shape[1]) if n_components else mat.shape[1] # make sure we don't exceed the number of pcs available
if "pca" in basis.lower():
comp_columns = [f"PC{i+1}" for i in range(n_components)] # e.g. PC1, PC2, ...
comp_columns = [f"{re.sub('^X_', '', basis.upper())}{i+1}" for i in range(n_components)] # e.g. UMAP1, UMAP2, ...
comp_table = pd.DataFrame(mat[:, :n_components], columns=comp_columns)
comp_table[numeric_columns] = table[numeric_columns].reset_index(drop=True)
# Calculate correlation of columns
combinations = list(itertools.product(numeric_columns, comp_columns))
corr_table = pd.DataFrame(index=numeric_columns, columns=comp_columns, dtype=float)
pvalue_table = pd.DataFrame(index=numeric_columns, columns=comp_columns, dtype=float)
for row, col in combinations:
# remove NaN values and the corresponding values from both lists
x = np.vstack([comp_table[row], comp_table[col]]) # stack values of row and column
x = x[:, ~np.any(np.isnan(x), axis=0)] # remove columns with NaN values
res = corr_method(x[0], x[1])
corr_table.loc[row, col] = res.statistic
pvalue_table.loc[row, col] = res.pvalue
return corr_table, pvalue_table