"""Tools to calculate fragemnt- and insertsize for scATAC."""
import os
import re
import pandas as pd
import gzip
import datetime
import scanpy as sc
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.typing import Any, Optional
import sctoolbox.utils as utils
import sctoolbox.tools.bam
from sctoolbox._settings import settings
import sctoolbox.utils.decorator as deco
logger = settings.logger
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# --------------------- Insertsize distribution ----------------------- #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def _check_in_list(element: Any, alist: list[Any] | set[Any]) -> bool:
Check if element is in list.
TODO Do we need this function?
element : Any
Element that is checked for.
alist : list[Any] | set[Any]
List or set in which the element is searched for.
True if element is in list else False
return element in alist
def _check_true(element, alist) -> True: # true regardless of input
"""TODO WHY?."""
return True
def add_insertsize(adata: sc.AnnData,
bam: Optional[str] = None,
fragments: Optional[str] = None,
barcode_col: Optional[str] = None,
barcode_tag: str = "CB",
regions: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Add information on insertsize to the adata object using either a .bam-file or a fragments file.
Adds columns "insertsize_count" and "mean_insertsize" to adata.obs and a key "insertsize_distribution" to adata.uns containing the
insertsize distribution as a pandas dataframe.
adata : sc.AnnData
AnnData object to add insertsize information to.
bam : Optional[str], default None
Path to bam file containing paired-end reads. If None, the fragments file is used instead.
fragments : Optional[str], default None
Path to fragments file containing fragments information. If None, the bam file is used instead.
barcode_col : Optional[str], default None
Column in adata.obs containing the name of the cell barcode. If barcode_col is None, it is assumed that the index of adata.obs contains the barcode.
barcode_tag : str, default 'CB'
Only for bamfiles: Tag used for the cell barcode for each read.
regions : Optional[str], default None
Only for bamfiles: A list of regions to obtain reads from, e.g. ['chr1:1-2000000']. If None, all reads in the .bam-file are used.
1. If bam and fragments is given.
2. If bam and fragments is not given.
3. If no barcodes between bam- or fragment-file and adata overlap
adata_barcodes = adata.obs.index.tolist() if barcode_col is None else adata.obs[barcode_col].tolist()
if bam is not None and fragments is not None:
raise ValueError("Please provide either a bam file or a fragments file - not both.")
elif bam is not None:
table = _insertsize_from_bam(bam, barcode_tag=barcode_tag, regions=regions, barcodes=adata_barcodes)
elif fragments is not None:
table = _insertsize_from_fragments(fragments, barcodes=adata_barcodes)
raise ValueError("Please provide either a bam file or a fragments file.")
# Merge table to adata.obs and uns
mean_table = table[["insertsize_count", "mean_insertsize"]]
distribution_table = table[[c for c in table.columns if isinstance(c, int)]]
distribution_barcodes = set(table.index)
common = set(adata_barcodes).intersection(distribution_barcodes)
missing = set(adata_barcodes) - distribution_barcodes
if len(common) == 0:
raise ValueError("No common barcodes")
elif len(missing) > 0:
logger.warning("not all barcodes in adata.obs were represented in the input fragments. The values for these barcodes are set to NaN.")
missing_table = pd.DataFrame(index=list(missing), columns=distribution_table.columns)
distribution_table = pd.concat([distribution_table, missing_table])
# Merge table to adata.obs and uns
if barcode_col is None:
adata.obs = adata.obs.merge(mean_table, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left")
adata.obs = adata.obs.merge(mean_table, left_on=barcode_col, right_index=True, how="left")
adata.uns["insertsize_distribution"] = distribution_table.loc[adata_barcodes]
adata.uns['insertsize_distribution'].columns = adata.uns['insertsize_distribution'].columns.astype(str) # ensures correct order of barcodes in table
logger.info("Added insertsize information to adata.obs[[\"insertsize_count\", \"mean_insertsize\"]] and adata.uns[\"insertsize_distribution\"].")
def _insertsize_from_bam(bam: str,
barcode_tag: str = "CB",
barcodes: Optional[list[str]] = None,
regions: Optional[str | list[str]] = 'chr1:1-2000000',
chunk_size: int = 100000) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get insertsize distributions per barcode from bam file.
bam : str
Path to bam file
barcode_tag : str, default "CB"
The read tag representing the barcode.
barcodes : Optional[list[str]], default None
List of barcodes to include in the analysis. If None, all barcodes are included.
regions : Optional[str | list[str]], default 'chr1:1-2000000'
Regions to include in the analysis. If None, all reads are included.
chunk_size : int, default 500000
Size of bp chunks to read from bam file.
DataFrame with insertsize distributions per barcode.
1. No reads found in bam-file.
2. If no reads in bam-file overlap with barcodes.
# Load modules
import pysam
if utils._is_notebook() is True:
from tqdm import tqdm_notebook as tqdm
from tqdm import tqdm
if isinstance(regions, str):
regions = [regions]
# Prepare function for checking against barcodes list
if barcodes is not None:
barcodes = set(barcodes)
check_in = _check_in_list
check_in = _check_true
# Open bamfile
logger.info("Opening bam file...")
if not os.path.exists(bam + ".bai"):
logger.warning("Bamfile has no index - trying to index with pysam...")
bam_obj = sctoolbox.tools.bam.open_bam(bam, "rb", require_index=True)
chromosome_lengths = dict(zip(bam_obj.references, bam_obj.lengths))
# Create chunked genome regions:
logger.info(f"Creating chunks of size {chunk_size}bp...")
if regions is None:
regions = [f"{chrom}:0-{length}" for chrom, length in chromosome_lengths.items()]
elif isinstance(regions, str):
regions = [regions]
# Create chunks from larger regions
regions_split = []
for region in regions:
chromosome, start, end = re.split("[:-]", region)
start = int(start)
end = int(end)
for chunk_start in range(start, end, chunk_size):
chunk_end = chunk_start + chunk_size
if chunk_end > end:
chunk_end = end
# Count insertsize per chunk using multiprocessing
logger.info(f"Counting insertsizes across {len(regions_split)} chunks...")
count_dict = {}
read_count = 0
pbar = tqdm(total=len(regions_split), desc="Progress: ", unit="chunks")
for region in regions_split:
chrom, start, end = re.split("[:-]", region)
for read in bam_obj.fetch(chrom, int(start), int(end)):
read_count += 1
barcode = read.get_tag(barcode_tag)
except Exception: # tag was not found
barcode = "NA"
# Add read to dict
if check_in(barcode, barcodes) is True:
size = abs(read.template_length) - 9 # length of insertion
count_dict = _add_fragment(count_dict, barcode, size)
# Update progress
pbar.close() # close progress bar
# Check if any reads were read at all
if read_count == 0:
raise ValueError("No reads found in bam file. Please check bamfile or adjust the 'regions' parameter to include more regions.")
# Check if any barcodes were found
if len(count_dict) == 0 and barcodes is not None:
raise ValueError("No reads found in bam file for the barcodes given in 'barcodes'. Please adjust the 'barcodes' or 'barcode_tag' parameters.")
# Fill missing sizes with 0
max_fragment_size = 1000
for barcode in count_dict:
for size in range(max_fragment_size):
if size not in count_dict[barcode]:
count_dict[barcode][size] = 0
# Convert dict to pandas dataframes
logger.info("Converting counts to dataframe")
table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(count_dict, orient="index")
table = table[["insertsize_count", "mean_insertsize"] + sorted(table.columns[2:])]
table["mean_insertsize"] = table["mean_insertsize"].round(2)
logger.info("Done getting insertsizes from bam!")
return table
def _insertsize_from_fragments(fragments: str,
barcodes: Optional[list[str]] = None) -> pd.DataFrame:
Get fragment insertsize distributions per barcode from fragments file.
fragments : str
Path to fragments.bed(.gz) file.
barcodes : Optional[list[str]], default None
Only collect fragment sizes for the barcodes in barcodes
DataFrame with insertsize distributions per barcode.
# Open fragments file
if utils._is_gz_file(fragments):
f = gzip.open(fragments, "rt")
f = open(fragments, "r")
# Prepare function for checking against barcodes list
if barcodes is not None:
barcodes = set(barcodes)
check_in = _check_in_list
check_in = _check_true
# Read fragments file and add to dict
logger.info("Counting fragment lengths from fragments file...")
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
count_dict = {}
for line in f:
columns = line.rstrip().split("\t")
start = int(columns[1])
end = int(columns[2])
barcode = columns[3]
count = int(columns[4])
size = end - start - 9 # length of insertion (-9 due to to shifted cutting of Tn5)
# Only add fragment if check is true
if check_in(barcode, barcodes) is True:
count_dict = _add_fragment(count_dict, barcode, size, count)
# Fill missing sizes with 0
max_fragment_size = 1001
for barcode in count_dict:
for size in range(max_fragment_size):
if size not in count_dict[barcode]:
count_dict[barcode][size] = 0
# Close file and print elapsed time
end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
elapsed = end_time - start_time
logger.info("Done reading file - elapsed time: {0}".format(str(elapsed).split(".")[0]))
# Convert dict to pandas dataframe
logger.info("Converting counts to dataframe...")
table = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(count_dict, orient="index")
table = table[["insertsize_count", "mean_insertsize"] + sorted(table.columns[2:])]
table["mean_insertsize"] = table["mean_insertsize"].round(2)
logger.info("Done getting insertsizes from fragments!")
return table
def _add_fragment(count_dict: dict[str, dict[str, int | float]],
barcode: str,
size: int,
count: int = 1) -> dict[str, dict[str, int | float]]:
Add fragment of size 'size' to count_dict.
count_dict : dict[str, dict[str, int | float]]
Dictionary containing the counts per insertsize.
barcode : str
Barcode of the read.
size : int
Insertsize to add to count_dict.
count : int, default 1
Number of reads to add to count_dict.
dict[str, dict[str, int | float]]
Updated count_dict
# Initialize if barcode is seen for the first time
if barcode not in count_dict:
count_dict[barcode] = {"mean_insertsize": 0, "insertsize_count": 0}
# Add read to dict
if size >= 0 and size <= 1000: # do not save negative insertsize, and set a cap on the maximum insertsize to limit outlier effects
count_dict[barcode]["insertsize_count"] += count
# Update mean
mu = count_dict[barcode]["mean_insertsize"]
total_count = count_dict[barcode]["insertsize_count"]
diff = (size - mu) / total_count
count_dict[barcode]["mean_insertsize"] = mu + diff
# Save to distribution
if size not in count_dict[barcode]: # first time size is seen
count_dict[barcode][size] = 0
count_dict[barcode][size] += count
return count_dict